Finance & Procurement

We focus on cost containment and drive continued savings
Industry research and research from our own client base identifies travel as the third largest controllable expense category, exceeded only by payroll and benefits; Employee spend typically represents 8-10% of a company’s total operating expenses;

On average, 20% of a company’s employee spending is out of policy and many companies report a lack of sufficient visibility into employee spending.

At GlobalStar we are here to solve these problems. We do this by:

  • Providing globally consolidated data based on your requirements
  • We analyse this data to make informed, strategic decisions
  • We make recommendations on how to achieve a ‘’best in class’’ programme
  • Tell you how you are performing by benchmarking your programme to other travel programmes of a similar size, scope and / or industry

10 Top Business Travel Tips for Finance & Procurement

1) Ensure that the company reporting hierarchy is understood and communicated to the TMC to ensure that your data reporting correctly reflects your requirements.

2) Be clear about your reporting requirements as early in the tender or implementation process as possible.

3) Ensure that any requirement to integrate with other internal processes like expense systems is flagged as early as possible.

4) Ensure all stakeholders, traveller and booker community have a voice in your process. Travel continues to be an emotive service within a company and can be a barometer as to how employees feel about their company.

5) Remember to consider diversity and cultural alignment to a particular region when considering the right supplier to support you in that region.

6) Ensure SLAs are only focused on key items and relevant to your business as well as measurable across multiple markets.

7) Ensure your TMC partner understands how you measure savings internally and that their reporting dashboard will recognise this.

8) Ensure you report on savings as well as traveller satisfaction.

9) Consider specialist air and hotel consultancy programme to drive global results with key suppliers.

10) Ensure your traveller and booker community have a well published vehicle to provide feedback.

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